Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I am done with regular classes at college. And, I found out that the school I'm student teaching at starts at 7:45 AM! I hope the information is wrong, but it's probably not. Those who know me can simply imagine what that will be like, especially because I also have a 20 minute commute. Ugh. Not a fan. Oh well. Looks like I'll have to become a morning person. Hopefully they do not have another snow day, as I really need to go and observe and get more information before I start next semester.

This semester of classes has been pretty brutal, but it's over. Now I'm sad for the classes I don't get to take next semester. It figures, of course.

Well, I'm going to watch a movie and then go to bed. I've never seen the Marx brothers, so I'm going to watch A Night at the Opera. We'll see.


Jacob said...

Congratulations on finishing classes! Have a great break, rest up, and finish well!

Anonymous said...

Congrats indeed! You'll be a wonderful teacher :-)

Anonymous said...

You know, if you go to grad school, you'll have classes and finals, and all that good stuff all over again.

Just a reminder.