Friday, December 14, 2007


I am home, and I do enjoy watching the Marx brothers. Those two statements are not necessarily connected. I plan on watching more Marx brothers while I'm home, though. I'm going to the local college library today to interview the reference librarian for my grad school application and get some movies and books to read over break. I really like the library. It is big and has lots of resources, and it was recently redone, so it is very nice. And, they give community cards out free. Yay!

Not much else new. Going to work on the grad school application and read Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, as that's what I'll be teaching the sophomores. I haven't read it before, so that would be a good idea.

Christmas is a-comin'. I love Christmas carols.


Anonymous said...

Where are you looking to go to lib school?

Kara said...

I like JC