Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Day

Today was my first official day of student teaching, though I didn't do any teaching, I simply observed and read a book. The new semester starts on Monday, so this week is finals. I am reading Julius Caesar, The Jungle, and Farewell to Arms. I really like Julius Caesar, and Farewell to Arms is OK. I'm not a big fan of Hemingway's style. The Jungle, however, is depressing. It's a very good book, but it's hard for me to read books that are so emotional because I get into them and I know that the characters are going to get steamrolled and cheated and hurt, and I can't do anything but read about it. That's the point of the book, to make you outraged and upset and shouting for change. And it worked. They changed and regulated the meat packing industry after that book came out. I do not agree with socialism, but a changed needed to be made. That book, and I'm only on Ch. 4 is almost enough to make you vegetarian.

I can't wait to get more comfortable with the school and the teachers and the classes. Things are still really new and I'm not real sure of myself, but they will fall into place. The Lord is faithful, and He will help me through.


Anonymous said...

hey brenna,

how are you doing? you should put some pictures on your blog =) Just thinkin about you and hope you are having a good year! Have a great day! you're in our prayers!


Rachel said...

Yay for an update! I read your blog with great enthusiasm. I pray for your contentment in teaching--and trust you will bless the students richly. Thinking of you!