Sunday, January 20, 2008

I was going to go curling with a group of people, but I was back and forth between whether I could or wanted to go, and it ended up that I couldn't get back from church and lunch in time, so I missed them. I'm a bit disappointed, but I think it's for the best. I have a lot of little things to do today, but they need to be done. It will be good to have a low-key day.

I had to be up early yesterday and take my teacher subject area tests. They went OK, and I made it there and back safely. My washer fluid, however, froze, which is not good. It is bitter cold up here. In the negatives, I think.

The new student union is open, and it is very nice. I'm excited for the new snack bar/coffee shop.

Tomorrow is a half day at school because of Martin Luther King Jr. day. I'm happy for that, as I'll be able to do more errands and get to places on campus before they close. This will be the first regular week that I'll be at school, as they just finished finals this past week. I have checked out almost all the film versions of Julius Caesar and plan to watch some of them to see if I like any of the versions to show scenes to the students. Also, I have background materials for The Jungle. I want to see how Upton Sinclair got his info on the meat packing industry. That will be a very interesting book to teach. It has so many issues packed into it, issues that are still relevant today: prepared food (now, it's hormones and hydrogenated oils), political corruption, poverty, prostitution, unions and scabbing for the unions (writer's strike), alcoholism, etc. There will be no dearth of discussion in this unit. I'll need to learn how to and be able to direct it in a profitable manner. I probably won't teach for at least another week, as I'll be observing. Hopefully I'll be able to help with grading and other things like that. I need to work on names and faces the most though.

Blessings to you all.

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