Thursday, July 17, 2008

'Ello, 'Ello

I am back from visiting. Two visits in one week. I went to see a good friend in Indiana last Thursday and came back on Saturday to hear a senior viola recital, which was beautiful. However, I had a wonderful time with Miss Moore and her family, who were gracious enough to allow me to invade. :-) She is a very good sports announcer, and I was allowed to sit in the press box as she called the play by play for the Agape League, which is a baseball league for children and adults with physical and mental disabilities. I had never been to a game like that, and it was fun. We decided that I was the color announcer and She was Len Caspar and I was Bob Brenley, the Cubs announcers.

Then, from Monday to today (Thursday), Mom and I went up to visit my grandparents. We also went out to my aunt's house/farm/camp. She runs a camp for mentally and developmentally disabled adults. I was also able to see my cousin and her son (who is adorable!). There were water gun fights, smores, campfire, and a very impressive air guitarist. On Tuesday, Grandma took Mom and I and one of her friends out to a Japanese fusion restaurant. It was a very nice restaurant. I'd never been to one. They also had Japanese gardens that you could pay to walk through, but we just went to the restaurant.

My grandparents have an interesting assortment of old records, and I love their two record, volume 1 of old radio bloopers. So funny! I laughed so hard. My favorite is an old radio show with two convicts talking in prison. One asked the other how he got his 99 year sentence. The reply: Some dirty squeal pigeon stooled on me. Priceless.

Also, I bought a Veggie Tales CD and it has a mix of Veggie Tales songs in different languages with different, world/international beats. I love it! The best of both worlds: Veggie Tales and world music. I've also been listening to modern gypsy music, which is my current favorite CD.


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