Sunday, July 18, 2010


I do not think that dissatisfaction is a bad thing, as long as it is properly channeled. Nothing in this world will truly satisfy us, so we search for something to fill the void that we feel. Everyone seeks satisfaction a little differently, as we all have slightly different propensities and appetites. In trying to satisfy ourselves with things only of this world, however, we will never be filled, never be satisfied. Thus, our dissatisfaction should look up, and we should seek spiritual satisfaction. It will never be enough, though. Not on this earth. Sometimes it is easy to think that we are bad Christians if we are not truly satisfied spiritually. But we will never be spiritually satisfied. Not as long as we are still on earth and denied perfect union with Jesus. We will always want more. This dissatisfaction, however, is good. If we are satisfied with our Christian walk, then we are not where we should be and are on dangerous ground. Satan wants us to be "satisfied," complacent. Happy with where we are and not willing to put more effort into our relationship with Christ. I do not like feeling dissatisfied, but I know that this dissatisfaction can lead to better things if I channel it into my spiritual walk instead of seeking other things to fill it.

1 comment:

Tessa said...

I was just thinking about dissatisfaction actually. Good thoughts : )