Monday, June 22, 2009

Hott Jstor Bag

I have a Jstor bag. Jstor is an online resource of journal articles dealing with history, economics, culture, etc. It is a very useful resource, and I have a bag with its logo on it. Nerdy, I know, but it's one of the perks of working in a library. I have received some comments about it, but they are usually "You have a Jstor bag?" (implying...weird, why would you have a Jstor bag, etc.) At church however, one of my ex-professors told me that a guy I know asked where he could get a hott Jstor bag. Yes, my Jstor bag is nerdily hott. :-)

I also learned, from the same professor, that there is a book called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It is Pride and Prejudice with zombies added in. I am very curious, but MelCat wouldn't let me order it, even though it was available at one library, so I may try again later.


Anonymous said...

hahaha ah the joys of libraries! :)

Thalasas Nymphe said...

I think that's great!

Tom Matrullo said...

If you are truly an advocate of literacy you will burn your jstor bag, or put it away until the day they open access to their walled garden (with micropayments, if need be). Currently they are contributing to the unliteracy of the many.