Monday, June 14, 2010


To miss someone or something is such a deep and human emotion, but whenever it is articulated or mentioned, it sounds so trite. Maybe it's because we overuse it, or use it lightly. A flippant "miss you, wish you were here." But there is the deep missing, the deep longing that doesn't really go away, no matter how long it's been since you've seen the person or people. It's not always felt, but it's always there, just waiting for a trigger, a memory.

I think that missing is often disregarded in our society. If you miss someone and mention it too many times, then you feel whiny, and the feeling is often, move on, don't dwell on or live in the past. But, I don't think that we should ever disregard the past or forget our love for the people who have meant so much but are no longer in close proximity.


Rachel said...

This post really resonated with me. If you want to talk or openly miss someone over coffee, you know how to find me. Thinking of you today.

Ancient Aunt said...
