Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I have a few minutes to kill before I head out for the bus. I came on campus to be productive, but that did not happen. I have a meeting with a professor about a paper tomorrow, and then a lunch date with a girl friend. Then class, then home. I am almost done, and it is very difficult to focus on school type things. I'm very over it right now. I really dislike transitions, and I am caught in one right now. I am trying to find a place to live right now, and I'm hoping that this next trip yields something possible, as it will be difficult to go up a third time. I have some better leads this time, I think, though 1 is completely out of my price range. I can't wait until classes are over and my work is done. Then I can focus on moving to the dale. I'm going to miss my friends here, and it's hard to transition from the people here to thinking about connecting and reconnecting with people up there. It will take time. It's been 2 years. Things change. People change. I've changed. But it will be ok. I really feel like God is directing me back there, so it will all work out. We'll see what's ahead.

1 comment:

Ancient Aunt said...

Hi, Brenna. Someone has said that the only constant in life is change... which is a pretty clear perception! And it wears on all of us sometimes. I'm sure things will come together when you get back to the dale, and you'll have good friends and good memories to take back with you. - Think of you often. Love, your Ancient Aunt