Thursday, October 11, 2007

Today was not a good day. It is amazing how much sleep really does affect your day, and I didn't sleep well last night. Malaise. Today was an everydayness day. (I just finished Walker Percy's The Moviegoer)

The week after fall break is not even funny. Five major projects due in the spann of 3 days. Insanity. I just hope that I can get a lot done before fall break. The panic is starting. But I plan on having a wonderful fall break. So, I'm going to work really hard. At least try to. And it's Parents Weekend! Can't wait to see them tomorrow. I will probably post pics of fall break. Pictures seem to be crowd pleasers, and it is finding the balance between the two of writing for me and writing for others.

On a funny note, there was a Career Planning job fair thing, and they kicked us out of our classroom. We had a midterm today, and my class is from 4-5:15, and the lady asserted their right to our classroom, so we moved. We took the elevator, all 8 of us, including the professor, and annoyed the other lady in the elevator, I think. She did not find us amusing, anyway.

I talk of nothing. The everydayness and malaise is pretty thick right now. (Moviegoer. If you haven't read it, then you probably don't understand, but that's OK.)

1 comment:

Jacob said...

I can't believe someone from a career planning event kicked you out of your classroom during a midterm. It's kind of a big deal!
When I was a freshman, there was a camera crew in the hallway filming us for a promo video. I should mention that this was the morning of our Birzer American Heritage final and, needless to say, we were quite on edge. One of the people standing near me almost killed the camera crew when they followed us into the classroom (Kresge 130, no less!) Thankfully, they didn't stay.