Monday, November 19, 2007

You Know You're a Hillsdale College Student When...

When you watch a movie and quickly pick up on the American themes heavily inserted into a movie supposedly about France in the time when Da Vinci was alive. (1500s?) (Everafter) And then thinking back to the Merovingian period of Frankia when it was not unheard of for royalty to marry slave girls or women of low birth and then rehearse the changes that happened in the Carolingian period to make it almost impossible for those of high birth to marry those of low birth. I'm sure this is all rather fascinating to you all. ;-) Anyway, Everafter is very American. It's so funny to see American values superimposed on other cultures. We think that just because romantic love is such a big deal to us, it held the same weight in other times and cultures as it does here. Back then, marriages to secure good standing and wealth and property were commonplace, and you married for the economics and politics more than the feeling, especially if you were in the higher classes. I think the lower classes were allowed more freedom.


Rachel said...

I do the same thing! I have to consciously tell myself when I watch movies that I DON'T need to (and perhaps, for the sake of my sanity and those around me) analyze it.

Kara said...

I actually found Ever After to be rather socialist