Thursday, March 20, 2008

Uff da

I'm glad that the school week is over. I have Good Friday off. I really do need the three day weekend. I have some overhauling to do in regards to organization and lesson plans.

I called U of I, and my letter is here at the college. And I can't get to it. I'll see if anything can be done tomorrow. I sincerely hope so. I do want to know. And I don't necessarily want to wait until Tuesday. If one of my students turned in a paper with sentences like this, I don't think I'd be very pleased. :-) I will have roughly 150 papers to grade over my spring break. Woo hoo. I'm sure it will be quite interesting. :-)

I attended Tennebrae service at Free Methodist this evening. I'm not sure I'd ever been to a Tennebrae service before. I might have at my grandparents' church, but I don't remember it. It was very interesting. It was a dark service and they extinguished candles to mark the different steps of Jesus' suffering and trial. After the service I talked a bit, and two older ladies invited me to Easter dinner, for which I am very grateful. It sounds like they will have a lot of family over, so that should be fun and interesting. I like families. It is good to be around people of different ages and stages in life from the babies to grandparents. That's one of the reasons that attending a community church is so important, especially at the college level: fellowship.

Man of sorrows, what a name, for the Son of God who came. Ruined sinners to reclaim, Hallelujah, what a Savior.

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