Friday, April 25, 2008

And a window opens

I am now at liberty to share my news. I have a job for next year at the college library here, so I will be here another year, but as staff, not a fifth year. Will be full-time staff and working on special collections. This semester has shown me that I want to be a librarian, but now I am unsure what type. I do not really think that there is a future in school librarianing. They are cutting and reducing programs rather than adding them. Budgets and such. So, this experience will be so good in helping me decide what it is that I want to do and what the Lord wants me to do. This semester has been quite difficult, and the Lord shut a major door in my life (grad school). However, I am so glad that He did. He has blessed me, and I do not deserve it. It almost brings me to tears to see how He has worked and how He has blessed me. And, the difficult times have served to make this opportunity even more amazing and sweet and blessingful. It is so hard to wait and so easy to doubt and worry. But now I feel so foolish and humble.

I look back and remember wanting to be in this community longer. I remember saying that I felt like I was really connecting with people from church and then I would have to leave. Now I don't have to. I am looking forward to being more involved at church. I need to pray about what the Lord wants me to be involved in, though, or I may choose the wrong thing.

Blessings in Christ.


Angy said...


But, I must complain - why is The Covenanter linked, but not The Brazen Mennonite?


Angy said...
