Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kick in the Pants

Time management and organization have never been my forte. And now they need to be. I need to work hard and get in gear. Why is this so difficult? It is easy to glorify challenges and hard work. But it is just that: hard work. Not fun. Discipline in any area is neither easy or fun, but it (hopefully) bears fruit, good, juicy, dribble down the chin kind of fruit.

Life does not always go according to plan. However, I know that God has an adventure in store for me. Hopefully it's a pleasant adventure, but whatever it is, it is His will and His best.

Discipline means that God loves us. If He didn't love us, then He would let us do whatever we want and never correct our faults.


Kara said...

That is exactly what Pastor Keith talked about last week.

Anonymous said...

But it is no fun!!!
