Friday, October 10, 2008


It's finally the weekend. It has felt like the weekend ever since Wednesday. My friend came down on Wednesday to see me and to see two AMAZING shows. It is also fall break, which was too bad, because the theater troupe that came is so good! They did a production of Hamlet about 2 years ago, and it was amazing. They did the first book of the Iliad by Homer and Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare. The Iliad was really modern, and I didn't like the music, but it was amazing. I loved the soundtrack (loved it!) of Comedy of Errors, but it was a bit much for me. Also, the play itself is not one of my favorites, though I was able to appreciate it better.

It was so good to see my friend again. I'm glad that she is close enough for us to visit. Hopefully I can go out there sometime and explore her new city. :-) Also, I need a very large wicker, basket like hamper. I want to do a costume of Paul in the basket escaping the city.

I hope to have a relaxing, sleep in, take a walk, bask in sunshine, read books, veg with TV day. The gamut. :-)

Oh, and look at grad school aps. Yuck.


Invisible Man said...

I have the EXACT same plan for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep in. My body has the bad habit of waking up at the normal time no matter what day of the week it is. Oh well, at least I can be thankful that I very infrequently sleep through an alarm. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had fun this weekend! good luck with grad school! ;)