Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day

I had a snow day from work today. It's nice to work at a job that closes due to snow, though tomorrow is going to be pretty crazy. Just because the library is closed does not mean that people stop returning books. Though maybe the weather kept people home and it won't be that bad.

I was going to be productive today, but that did not happen, especially as I slept in until 1. Sigh, I have hijacked my sleep schedule, and it is not good. I am looking forward to classes and work as it will provide me with a regular schedule and hopefully help me get into better, healthier habits. Going to bed late and sleeping in late is not good, and I can feel its effects on me too. Classes start next week though. I read the syllabus for one of my classes, and it looks like it's going to be pretty intense, which I'm looking forward to. I need classes that expect a lot from me. I need a reason to care. If the prof doesn't seem to take the class seriously or expect much from the students, why should we put in the effort? This is where an internal locus of control comes in, I think.

I went home this past weekend because I could and to celebrate my brother's birthday, and I got my parents hooked on The Big Bang Theory. It makes me happy. And it is a very good show. My brother seemed to enjoy it to, which was cool. Saturday night was basically a marathon of it. I showed them the better episodes of season 2, as they now own season 1.

I am also enjoying Regency House Party, which is a PBS reality show that I got from the library about people living and wooing according to the rules and standards of the Regency period. It is very interesting, and it is helping me understand the period, and thus Jane Austen's novels better.


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