Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I like New Years, even though January seems like a weird time to start the new year. It would make more sense to me to have the years follow the school cycles, but not every one is in school, so I guess that wouldn't be the most practical. Anyway, I like New Years because it gives a sense of a new start and looking forward to what is to come in the following year. I also like making New Year's resolutions, and I have tried to make more practical ones that I actually plan on following through with in the past few years. I had one main resolution last year, and it was a continuous process last year, but it has been accomplished and I can make new ones this year.

The first resolution is the same one that everyone makes: exercise more. But, I actually will, because I will be running a half marathon in May, and I have to train for it. There are a lot of other resolutions I want to make, but the main one, on a more abstract level, is to really pursue God and work on my spiritual life. 2011 is going bring some really big changes for me, and I want my spiritual life to be firm and grounded in Christ, as I will need that constant in my life amidst all the upheaval of a new job and new place to live.

I have the whole day to myself! Yay holidays. No work, no outside obligations, only my own plans. I love days like this. I have a lot planned, though. I need to clean the house, write thank yous, and apply for jobs. Yes, I am starting the job application process. It seems fitting to start on the first day of the year. I have a few jobs picked out that look good, and I checked out some cover letter and resume books from the library. We have a rather good Job Search collection, so I decided to take advantage of it.

Also, I am no longer a reference intern at the public library. Yesterday was my last day. I am going to miss working over there, but I am grateful that I still have a position at the library.

Blessings to you all as you start the new year. I pray that God would guide your steps and that 2011 will bring growth, strength, and goodness.

Faith, hope, love, and the greatest of these is love.

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