Monday, June 6, 2011

If Only I Had an Enemy Bigger Than My Apathy I Would Have Won

(title quote from a song by Mumford and Sons)

I am now realizing the need to be proactive. I'm readjusting to a small town and a smaller church, and though I like the small town feel and atmosphere, it is a bit harder to find things to do in regards to volunteering and other activities, especially ways in which to meet other people, preferably people around my age and walk of life. Community theater will be a welcome activity, but it doesn't start until July, and that's if I make it past the audition.

In church yesterday, I realized that it is so easy to make everything about me. But it is not about me. I can wallow in loneliness and self pity, or I can do something about it. Focus on other people. I don't think it's a good idea to join things or do things for the sake of doing, but I really need something to take me out of myself, as it were. Help provide a different perspective. So, we'll see where God leads and what the summer holds.

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