Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm Back

I'm back from fall break, and had a wonderful time. But now it's WORK! I'm quite behind I'm afraid. I'll post pics hopefully this weekend. Kara's family was so kind to let us stay with them. I finally got to meet some of her relatives, :-) and we baked with real pumkin and squash. Yum. I then went into Chicago, downtown real Chicago to see my friend and her husband. I had such a good time there! The city at night is so much fun and beautiful. Don't be too shocked, but I know how people can like the city. I really like the water taxi, which we took to and from Shedd Aquarium, starting at Navy Pier the next day. It was interesting being around med students and people in the medical profession. Science is not really my thing, but it was cool to listen to them talk about it. Well, I really should go. Crazy week ahead. The semester will pretty much be nuts from here on out.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Fall is my favorite season. The leaves are starting to turn. The air, crisp, chill. To wear a corduroy trench coat. The smell. It has a distinct smell. Of dying leaves and beginning dormancy of things. Every season has its own feeling and its own smell. I like overcast, chilly, fall days. Foggy fall days.

I sorted football players at work today. Some of the pictures were hilarious, and I had to laugh by myself. Woe is me. (insert smirking smiley) :-)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Today was not a good day. It is amazing how much sleep really does affect your day, and I didn't sleep well last night. Malaise. Today was an everydayness day. (I just finished Walker Percy's The Moviegoer)

The week after fall break is not even funny. Five major projects due in the spann of 3 days. Insanity. I just hope that I can get a lot done before fall break. The panic is starting. But I plan on having a wonderful fall break. So, I'm going to work really hard. At least try to. And it's Parents Weekend! Can't wait to see them tomorrow. I will probably post pics of fall break. Pictures seem to be crowd pleasers, and it is finding the balance between the two of writing for me and writing for others.

On a funny note, there was a Career Planning job fair thing, and they kicked us out of our classroom. We had a midterm today, and my class is from 4-5:15, and the lady asserted their right to our classroom, so we moved. We took the elevator, all 8 of us, including the professor, and annoyed the other lady in the elevator, I think. She did not find us amusing, anyway.

I talk of nothing. The everydayness and malaise is pretty thick right now. (Moviegoer. If you haven't read it, then you probably don't understand, but that's OK.)

Monday, October 8, 2007

And Such

Expect a mix of posts, that mainly depend on my mood and mullings.

I finished an assignment today that is due in 4 days. I can't remember the last time that has happened. It is a nice feeling, except for the urgency of other projects. I do want a nice Parent's Weekend, thus the urgency. It's kind of nice when you have something to work toward. A goal, you know.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Saint Benedict

"When evil thoughts come into one's heart, to dash them against Christ immediately."
~From Saint Benedict's Rule For Monasteries

I have been reading Saint Benedict's rule and Pope Gregory's Life of Saint Benedict for my class on the early middle ages, and it is really interesting. There is much about it that I disagree with, but there are also some thought-provoking ideas. The quote above is the quote that stuck out to me the most. I had never thought of "dashing" my thoughts against Christ. It is such an interesting use of words. Throwing your bad thoughts upon Christ. Allowing the evil in your heart to shatter on Him and His power. The idea that you can actually throw away your bad thoughts.

Though I disagree with the emphasis on works and working to get into the kingdom of Heaven and the micro-managing of daily life, the emphasis on humility and a Christ-like attitude is very good. It's a reminder that I too should be striving against my flesh. That I too am prideful. Maybe silence isn't a bad thing. I should spend more time in prayer. I should spend more time in reading the Bible and other edifying works. There is spiritual warfare. Satan does work in the world. The early Medieval Christian mindset was so different. I don't agree with a lot of what they believed, but they did have some valid points. We should live for God. We should not be so attached to the world. That doesn't mean pulling ourselves out of the world, but we put too much of an emphasis on it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Yeah, I'm not sure if I like blogspot as well as Xanga, though I think it's more private. Xanga was fun. More options. I suppose lamenting a blog venue on a different blog venue is not ezactly "kosher." I don't know what it is about posting, about putting my words out there for people to read. For people who I may not even know, to read. A self-absorption, I suppose. Must go to bed. Not super coherent right now, I'm afraid.

By the way, I'm going to be a student teacher at Reading High school. It's about 20 minutes away. It's bigger than my school back home. It will be an experience. I'm glad to know, but I'm also really nervous. Next semester.