Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Graduation was Saturday, and it was better than I thought it would be. I did not cry, though I did get a headache from sun and not enough water, I think. Jess and I were able to sit next to each other, as she was the only European studies graduate and I made sure that I was the last English major in line. We were two seats away from being separated by a row. I would have been so upset. It was such a big day. So much excitement. I wasn't very good company for my family. After graduation was a combination of a let down of emotions and a headache from the sun. My friends and I then had our last time of togetherness, going to Savarino's for a bit and then talking in the basement. It was memorable as the last time. Late night talk sessions just happen, then cannot necessarily be planned. I'll miss us. The Whitley herd. Walking around in groups of 8. The Whitley 2nd floor sorority. Hanging out in Jess and Meg's room. Everything.

The campus is so beautiful right now. Everything is beautiful. Green green. Full of rainy mist that seems to infuse the grass and enhance the chlorophyll. The green of spring. New green. The flowering trees are waning, but they still fragrance the air. I love walking along the street at night and smelling the air. The sun. The rain.

I enjoy taking bike rides when I get home from work. I am subbing for the rest of this week and almost all of next week. It is peaceful around here, but somewhat lonely. I'm hoping for a pizza and a movie night on Friday, maybe get to know some of the girls who are still around for summer school and such.

Here are some pictures of graduation. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and the pictures turned out well.


The Sisson Clan said...


Wonderful pictures. Did you get any of your whole family? Thanks for letting us "be" there through your blog!

~Justin&Meg~ said...

Wow! I can't believe you're done w/ your undergrad! Four years flies by, once you're on the other side of it, huh?! Congratulations! Can't wait to see you. Call us when you arrive home for the summer and we can do something. The pictures are so cute!


Anonymous said...

hey brenna,

congrats! hope you are doing well. it will be good to see ya this summer! have a great weekend~


Anonymous said...

When are you leaving Hillsdale to go back to Oakland? If you have time, you should come and visit me in Frankenmuth.