Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Stop Here, I Want Out

I am sick of the economy and politics and world events. Everything is worry, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I try not to think about it, and I do ok at that, but then someone brings it up. Or I do. And then its in the consciousness. It's almost enough to make me want to be a farmer in the old west. Just worry about the basics: survival. But I don't really want that, it's just tempting sometimes.

I had believed the saying that if we were never sick we couldn't appreciate being well, but now I don't think I believe that. Being sick makes you appreciate good health more, but when you have good health, you still appreciate and enjoy it. I would much rather appreciate the good without having any bad mixed in, but it will always be there. Situations, no matter how good, are never perfect. There is always something missing, some way that it could have been just a bit better. I think it works the same way with the bad, though. Things could always be worse. There's usually a little good in with the bad.

I may fail at many things, but at least I know I can make a mean chocolate chip cookie.


Kara said...

YOUR sick of the economy? How do you think I feel? The company that my company works with to get long term care insurance also provide. . .(drumroll). . .MORTGAGE INSURANCE! and has lost 90% of its value in the last MONTH. My day is going to be WONDERFUL tomorrow.

But God is in his heaven, and the sun will go on rising and setting, whether the insurance company survives or not.

jessica said...

I can definitely vouch for the cookies.