Monday, January 11, 2010

And a New Beginning Starts

I saw a Washington DC license plate today, and it had the slogan "Taxation Without Representation." I was very confused. I thought it might be tongue in cheek or satirical or something, but it's a license plate, put out by the state, in this case the government. Did they just forget the "No" at the beginning, or is it actually condoning taxing people and not allowing them any voice through representatives? Thoughts?

Also, I was rather productive today, and it feels good. I finally took care of my dry cleaning. I found a cleaners in a strip mall after having no luck finding the cleaners that I thought was on 3rd street. (It was in this quest that I saw the license plate.) I also cleaned my room, bought a book for class, went to the bank, took care of dishes, and did laundry (not in that order).

I have my first class tomorrow, as I don't have class on Mondays or Fridays. Yay! The class is rare books, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm not going to pursue rare books; I think I'll do a mix of archives and digital libraries, but I think the class will be good and help me in my pursuit of working with special collections. I am hoping to get an internship here over the summer so I can keep my job and also gain experience. I need to talk to the prof in charge of internships. When I was cleaning my room, I came across a flyer for a project that the public library and historical society is working on together, and I'm going to ask about it. It's archiving pictures and such about the limestone quarries and businesses in the area, and it looks like a cool project.

Today has been a good relaxing day. I am not on my schedule yet, so my sleep has been off. It will probably take some time to get back to normal, but that is to be expected. On Friday we had friends from the complex over and played an epic game of Apples to Apples. Then, I had a friend over for dinner on Saturday, and it was good to talk and eat food. I tried out new recipes that turned out rather well. They were both from my Illinois cookbook. Chicken pecan swiss quiche and fried apples for dessert. I found out that my parents made quiche on Saturday as well. :-)

Enjoy the random.(ness of this post)


Kara said...

In DC they do have taxation without representation, as they have no federal representative. The license plate is meant to point out this fact.

Emily J said...

DC residents do not have voting representation in the Senate, but they have one delegate in the House, and he/she isn't allowed to vote. However, DC is subject to all federal taxes, hence the phrase.

Interestingly enough, word verification is "disticl" --- which to me looks a lot like district.

Tessa said...

It's also interesting to see the whole "Free D.C." movement. You'll see it around the district and at first I was kind of confused. I think it does have to do with D.C. residents wanting a representative in the House that is able to vote.