Friday, February 5, 2010

You Were Weighed in the Balance and Found Wanting

from the book of Daniel

What Christian book would you suggest I read? Preferably non-fiction. I would like a book that is strong and encouraging in the Christian walk, and something that I could read a bit before bed when I read my Bible. Something thought provoking but accessible. Or, what Christian author would you suggest in general? I'd really appreciate your input.

I do not have work tomorrow, so I can sleep in! It means that I have to work on Sunday, but I am going to enjoy my day off. :-) I also plan on going to hear a band with some friends tomorrow, which is exciting.

Classes are done for the week. I got out of ERM early, as the prof wanted to go to the basketball game. We had to kind of rush our presentation though, as the first presentation took over an hour, as the prof interjected and made comments, and the group had a ton of info in their power point. I should probably try to do work tomorrow, but I don't have hopes for that happening. :-)

Update: I did try to talk and break the ice during rare books. Not the best results, but it was ok. It's frustrating that people weren't really willing to try and keep a conversation going. It just feels dull and boring there, when it shouldn't be. Everyone is content to keep to themselves and not interact. Maybe because there aren't any pairs or groups of friends in the class. That always makes a difference.

I would also appreciate prayer as I attempt to meet new people and be friendly. There is always a balance, and I would like to be careful and in that balance.


Rachel said...

You are just fantastic. If no one has reminded you of that recently, consider it done :)

I just finished Celebration of Discipline which my minister recommended. I thought there were some inspiring ideas, and I liked how he took what could be hard topics (fasting, for example) and explained why it's good for our growth, and specifics of how to build up to it.

Looking forward to tonight. Yay Throwing Stars!

Kara said...

The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun (I think I have his name right) is a biography of a Chinese pastor and it's pretty amazing.

T.W. Hunt is an awesome teacher/author, and Returning to Holiness is another good devotional type book. I think the author of that one is named Frizzel.

Ancient Aunt said...

Ah, to have time to read! Since I am ancient, I'm not up on the latest authors. However, I would suggest "The Jesus Style" by Erwin, "Prayers" by Michael Quoist, anything by Keith Miller or Madeleine L'Engle or Frederick Buechner... And that's more than enough for now! Happy exploring!