Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kilroy Was Here

Ron Paul

I carved a pumpkin for the first time on Friday. It was so much fun! I made a Kilroy pumpkin. There is a bar in town called Kilroys, but I did not do it because of the bar. I like the historical, WWII graffiti aspect of it. I thought it might not turn out, but it turned out ok for a first time. There were five of us who went to my friend's farm and carved pumpkins. We invited everyone from Sunday school, but only the five of us came, which was nice, as I like smaller groups. We were rather unprepared, as we ran off without the s'mores, and I brought hot chocolate and water but no cups or anything to heat it up in. :-) We did bring knives, but no spoon to scoop the guts. Oh well. I had a blast!

I am not very good at waiting, and there are so many things in life that require waiting. I do not like the whole tenor of instance gratification in our society, but it is easy to get caught up in it. We're used to having what we want when we want it, or at least the possibility to obtain it soon. But, sometimes I have to wait. And that's a good thing. Wait for outside decisions. Wait for the Lord to work. Waiting can be good, but it is hard.

1 comment:

Ancient Aunt said...

Nice Kilroy! Have you ever seen the Willie and Joe cartoons done by Bill Mauldin? I've always liked them and the ground-level view they give of a Kilroy's life. - Glad you had a nice carving party! We had about a dozen trick-or-treaters this evening... plus a few accompanying adults who were also in costume. Bob's nurse makes a terrific pirate! - Take care. Your Ancient Aunt