Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oops, I Did It Again

Sorry to quote Britney Spears, but the quote is appropriate. I was really tired after work today, as I was up early to be water girl for my friends who are training for a 1/2 marathon. I then had to work from 8:30-5. So, after I got home, I went to sleep. For 4 hours. Bad idea. Who knows when I'll go to bed. I seem to do this a little too frequently.

I had a great time with other alums from the dale last night. I decided that I wanted to have a get together, so I coordinated a potluck for other alums in the area. There are quite a few of us, and we even met an alum who graduated in '95, which was cool. It was so nice to be able to talk and share stories and be myself. I didn't have to worry that I'd say something wrong or offend someone regarding my faith and politics. I was also told, that for H-dale standards, I'm normal. :-) It was also one of the best potlucks I've been to foodwise. Nothing was store bought. One guy brought homemade bread, another brought an apple pie! I was unfortunately too full to have any pie. I brought lasagna, which was a big hit. Only about 2 pieces left. Which I should eat tonight as I haven't eaten yet.

I can finally go to Bible study this week! I don't have to work on Tuesday for a few weeks now. I am also looking forward to Sunday school. We had a long meeting regarding Sunday school last Tuesday. The jury is still out on how productive it was. I do enjoy the camaraderie with some of the other people in the group. I have friends! :-)

To do this week: Do my cataloging homework. Work really hard on my evaluation project, specifically the IRB. Ugh. Ethical paperwork.

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