Monday, June 9, 2008

It stinketh

The water has subsided. We have a yard again. The houses on the other side of the highway got it worse than us. Some people actually have water damage in their houses. We are very blessed. We have been praying really hard all day that it wouldn't rain. We are supposed to have storms, but it has bypassed us so far. Some of the worst part of flooding is the smell. The smell of stagnant pond and dying worms and decaying vegetation.

I guess Wisconsin has been hit really hard too. Wisconsin Dells had houses floating away. At least that was the footage on the weather channel.

This is a bit depressing, but it is the news here.

I went put putting with a church youth group last night. It was a lot of fun. I like the youth pastor. She and I are going to be working with the jr. high kids at VBS later this month. It should be good. Lots of community service. :-)


George and Krista said...

Hey brenna-

hopefully i'll get to see you this week so youcan meet grace. we have eva up here visiting and i'm going to be driving her home in the next couple of days. sorry for yhe sloppy post-typing 1 handed w/ baby in the other hand :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't get any more rain. It looks like you had more than enough. Glad to hear the wedding went well, despite the water.

Angy said...

So, ummm, has this youth pastor had any pastor-schooling ;p
Sorry, could help it.
We've also had a lot of rain up here - not so drastic like yours, but 2 tornado warnings in 4 days and the ground has been too wet for the farmers.