Sunday, June 8, 2008

Now I Know How Noah Felt

We have had a flood. Ten inches of rain last night, I guess, and we were already saturated. I woke up to find my backyard a lake, connected with the other backyards in the neighborhood. My brother constructed a waterfall and a river to drain into the street. I call it the river. The last picture is of the waterfall and the one before it is of the river. The pictures don't really do justice to what we've dealt with. Mom and I cleaned the street drains, scooping out the leaves and trash so the water would drain better. Our waters are just starting to recede because the big culvert in the back was draining into us. Route 133 was impassable, and the whole South side of town was under water. Before this, we have had storms, and at least one tree was uprooted and others fell down or lost big branches and limbs. No one can remember it ever being this bad, even thinking back to 50 years ago. We've flooded before, but never like this. We are blessed, however, as it has not damaged the house. Please pray that it would not rain anymore. We cannot handle it.

I mentioned the storm. Well, a storm with tornadoes came through yesterday. That was the storm that uprooted the tree. Yesterday was wedding rehearsal and today was the wedding. Many roads were impassable and people were unable to make it to the wedding, which was disappointing. The wedding was beautiful, and not just physically. The music went well, and I did not make any major blunders. It was a beautiful, sincere, Christian wedding. Short though. I'm used to weddings with sermons in them. :-)

Again, I'm up late. I should probably be better disciplined. Don't believe the time on the post, though. My computer is still on Eastern time.

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