Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am not going to be at church when superintendent Ramundo comes to preach. He has a very interesting style. He uses literary devises to the extreme. Instead, I'm going home that weekend for my mom's birthday.

This is fair week, and I went to the fair 3 times. I love fair food. Fried food is so yummy. :-) I have a weakness for fried food, as long as it's not greasy. I don't do grease well.

Not much to say. I'm doing laundry right now and I think I'll go on a walk soon.


jessica said...

Too totally terrible timing.

Anonymous said...

I miss the fair soooo much!!! I think the Texas State Fair is coming up but I'm not sure where it is or if I'd want to go.

Kara said...

oh Pastor Ramundo

I don't even know what more to say about him.