Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I absolutely love fall.

I found a way to wear my favorite orange sweater to work.

I locked myself out of my house and car and had to call to have my "land lady" bring her key to let me in the house. I found out that I was locked out when I was on the phone with my mom. She thought it was funny. It was. Funny that is.

Oct. 1 is the first day of deer season, bow hunting. Shout out to my brother. He has been looking forward to this day since the last day of deer season last year. He and I were actually at Wal Mart at the same time, but not at the same Wal Mart. He to get last minute hunting supplies. Me to get last minute baking supplies.


Anonymous said...

locking yourself out is always good for some laughs ;)

I totally forgot about deer season! I've heard rumors about deer in these parts but I have yet to see one. I find myself still getting wary driving on the highway around dusk though; it must be in my blood or something ;)

Emily J said...

I know they are not strictly libertarian, but I am, so to ME it will be a fabulously geeked-out libertarian weekend.

~Justin&Meg~ said...

i luv fall too!! -meg-

ps...it's impossible to lock yourself out if you never lock the doors. ha ha!!!! we just lock ourselves in...