Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Toodling Around

Well, a bit more than toodling. I had quite the adventure today. I went to Ann Arbor and back and survived some of the worst traffic I've ever been in and the GRE. Also getting lost. Quite the day. First off, my plan was to leave several hours before I had to take the test and go to the Shar showroom. So, my test was at 1 and I left here at 9:30. I didn't make it to Ann Arbor until 2 hours later. Uff da. There was a really bad accident on 94 East, and traffic was really backed up. I was close to an exit, so I was able to get off, but it was really backed up too. If I would have stayed on 94 I probably wouldn't have made it to the test. But, I trusted my little GPS and took a country road back way, which put me on 94 past the accident. There was no one behind me. It was strange to see a 6 lane road so empty. Then, I took the GRE and got a decent score, enough to get me into grad school. :-) Yay! Then, I got royally lost trying to find a certain park to wait for my friend. That was an ordeal, but it was such a gorgeous day and a scenic route, so I didn't mind. It was definitely the Lord today, because usually I get really frustrated and upset, but He helped me deal with the driving adventure.

Gotta go. Btw, I am getting caught up in the Yorkshire miniseries Flambards. I like it. :-)


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON THE GRE!!!!!! That's such an awesome feeling once you're done with it :)

jessica said...

GREat job on the GRE! and on finding your way around the traffic jam.

Invisible Man said...

Oh! I heard about that accident on my way to work. Second day in a row that 94 east bound has been really backed up (in the exact same spot). Usually by that time it wouldn't be so bad.

Glad to hear you made it in time and did well on the exam! Congratulations! Hope all is well in the 'dale. I may be heading that way in a few weeks for homecoming.