Monday, September 7, 2009

Beware the Jabberwock

I am not lonely per se, but I am feeling "out of community." I am generally content with my situation, but there is this feeling of not quite fitting in, not quite connecting. I'm here, but I don't necessarily feel like I completely belong yet. I hope it will come, but I know that I am in a different environment, and we'll see how it pans out.

Also, there is a campaign on campus with the slogan "You can be good without God." I saw it emblazoned on a bus. If I drove a bus, I do not think that I could drive that bus. I do not agree with putting inflammatory messages on public transportation. Thankfully, the busses I ride are neutral.


Rachel said...

Hang in there! I promise it gets better. I don't know when that moment comes, but it will. I distinctly remember feeling that way too. You'll get to finding a community and a sense of belongingness here too...just be patient :) I know it's hard. ::hugs::

Anonymous said...

eesh, what an awful thing to see on public transportation. Big Brother, anyone?

Invisible Man said...

Hmm. Sounds like I need to come down there with my semi-truck!

Stay positive about not fitting in. It will be hard to adjust at first, but if you stay positive and keep trying, it will happen a lot faster than if you get down and give up (that's the route I've taken, and it hasn't worked well...).

Hope you're well.