Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Twas Brillig and the Slithy Toves

I have things to say, but I'm in one of my "think of blog posts but then go blank when in front of computer" modes.

I am going to start attending a new church. I met some people who go there, and it seems like a good church, though very large (it doesn't seem like a mega church though). I went to the 8 AM service last week, as I had a meeting at work later. :-( I liked the worship though. There was a very good violinist, and he opened with a Celtic song, and it made me really happy, because I realized that listening to "secular" music can still be a way to commune with God and please Him. I think He likes it when His children enjoy beauty. And beauty is a way in which we can connect with Him, like enjoying the things He has created.

I am very busy with work and school work. I have a paper due on Thursday that I still need to write. Ugh. I am not a fan of homework and papers and such again. There is always something to do, and time management is still not my forte, though I'm getting a little better. I have to with all the hours I'm working.

Speaking of work, I'll be working Saturday mornings instead of afternoons, and I'm glad about that. It will free up more of my Saturdays, and get me up and going earlier, so I can actually get errands done after work, as it never happens before work. :-)

I am getting more of a social life and making some friends and meeting new people, which is good. I really am a minority in my field, however, as the majority of librarians are rather liberal. I add diversity. ;-)


Emily J said...

There's nothing wrong with large churches. Even "mega" churches.

jessica said...

Glad to hear that the church search is going well. Although the paper-writing sounds gross. Ugh.

Invisible Man said...

Glad to hear about the social life!

Adding diversity is important! :)

Anonymous said...

yeah I'm looking forward to not having homework...ever...again. :)

I don't understand how librarians are liberal. don't they read any of the books they take care of? ;) ;)

MissF said...

I'm glad you add diversity :-) Happy church hunting - I know that can be difficult.