Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm Looking for a Pioneerin' Woman

Today was an eventful day. It started at 4:30 AM. I woke up to the a very high pitched, incessant noise that sounded kind of like a smoke detector. So, I got up, but I couldn't really hear it in the living room, so I went back to my bedroom, and I could hear it clearly. I tried to think of anything of mine that might have gone off, but it didn't sound like my metronome, and that's all I could think of. It may have come from outside or from the maintenance shed, as we are right above it and can hear most everything that goes on down there. I went outside, but I couldn't really hear it, and I didn't want to wander too far that late/early. So, I called the emergency number and was contacted by the night shift guy. He didn't sound too worried about it, and I didn't want to get a maintenance man out and wake up my roommate, so I decided to wait until the morning and sleep on the couch in the meantime. Then, at 7:15 AM, there was very loud knocking on the door. I didn't know who it could be, but I thought maybe it was the maintenance man, but I hadn't made a request. So, I hollered through the door and asked who it was. It was our neighbor. He and his wife heard the noise as well and thought it was our smoke detector and wanted to make sure we were ok. I thought that was very good of him to do that. They had also put in a maintenance request, and the noise was taken care of later in the morning.

Then, at work, I was the only crew chief all day, and it went well, though it is rather busy with returns.

Tomorrow, we are having guys over for Sunday lunch, and we are having...doves! My brother hunts and he gave me a bag of dove meat to bring back with me after I visited him. Angy found a recipe for wild rice and doves (these are wild doves, btw). It is kind of like a casserole with dove meat on top of it. I hope it turns out. I cut the dove meat off the bone, and I felt kind of resourceful and pioneering. :-)

Speaking of meat, I found a decent meat market. It's located in a strip mall, which is kind of weird, but I "grilled" them about their meat, and it met my standards. :-) (I'm picky about my meat. I've been spoiled by living in a rural area with fresh, local meat.) They obviously can't do their own slaughtering or processing, but they do have some local meat, and it's all natural, which is good. They also make their own brats. I cooked chicken brats yesterday, and they are pretty good.

I am excited about tomorrow, as I will be able to go to the regular church service, Sunday school, and then Sunday night college group, as well as Sunday lunch with friends. It is also nice not to have too much homework hanging over my head right now, though I should get started on some of my projects.

I'd better go. I promised I'd work on my room tonight.


Ancient Aunt said...

Ah, things that go "eeep" in the night! Usually, it's our cat yowling because she's awake and thinks she should go outside (no way!), but lately it's been Bob's watch... and neither of us know how to turn it off without reading the instructions... not what one wants to be doing at 3 a.m.! - Good luck with the dove meat!

Anonymous said...

wow I'm intrigued to hear how Dove tastes!

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Doves! That is pretty adventurous.

Tessa said...

Doves! I've never had doves! let us know how they taste.

Local meat is good. Yum...