Sunday, September 13, 2009

Up Wi' the Carl's O' Dysart

I should be reading collection development stuff, but I'm not. :-P Tomorrow is going to be nuts, but then I don't have class on Tuesday. Which means that I need to be very productive, as I have a presentation to give for management on Thursday, and I have to read the article for it and make up an outline. Woo hoo. Grad school is really busy. Lots to do. It's only the third week and I'm already freaking out. Sigh. I also didn't have this much work work. Twenty-five hours is a lot, but I like my job. I get my exercise. :-)

Speaking of work, we can wear headphones, but I'm reticent to because I know how I react to music. I will probably start singing and moving to the music and generally looking odd. So it may be best not to do that. I also think it would reduce my productivity. Thus, no music.

I spent the weekend with my brother. Actually, I left after work on Saturday and came back after lunch today. So, part of the weekend anyway. It was good to see him again and see where he lives and who his friends are at church. The area and the church seem to be a good fit for him. We ate at TGI Fridays pretty late, which was fun. I did get very lost on the way there, though. It was not cool. I actually found myself on gravel roads for over a mile. It was dark and creepy. But I called my brother and he was able to talk me through the rest of the way there. My GPS didn't know where I was. From now on, even if I use a GPS, I'm going to check a map first, so I know approximately where I'm going.

I discovered a new possible favorite band. They are called Reelroad. They're a Russian band that sounds kind of Celtic? All I know, is I really like their sound! Yay for the world music section at the public library. :-)


Anonymous said...

yeah, I hardly use my GPS anymore. it's really freaky to be driving somewhere and not really have an overall idea of where you ARE.

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Week two of school and it's really busy here, too. Do you and Angy have any of the same classes?

MissF said...

Dirt roads at night are definitely not fun. Glad you're safe. I will have to check out that band. Have you ever heard Barrage? It's a violin group that plays just about everything from celtic to jazz to Eastern European to Asian, etc. It might be up your alley.