Saturday, November 28, 2009

A good housewife is of necessity a humbug--Vanity Fair by W. M. Thackeray

I am reading Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray, and I thought the above quote was quite funny. Especially when taken out of context. :-)

I had a good Thanksgiving with my family. My brother was able to make it up, for which I am very grateful. His work schedule is so crazy we didn't know if he would be able to visit. He was in rare form too, and I just love hearing his work stories. He works with some characters. :-) My grandparents came down as well, and Grandpa gave me a knife that he had. He had shown it to us at Easter, and none of us were sure what kind it was. He said he talked to a guy at a show, however, and the guy said it was a librarian's knife. I'll have to post a picture. It's pretty cool looking, almost like a scalpel. I am intrigued, and I inter library loan several books. We'll see if I can find out more about it when the books come. I need to make friends in the ILL department. I miss being able to run over to Judy's office and ask her if she can get me another obscure book. She is amazing at her job. Now I need to find another Judy here. Especially when I want books that are only owned by one library or organization. That means that they are probably not willing to let them out. :-(

Mom and I had girl's day out on Friday and I drug Mom out for Black Friday, though we didn't hit town until noon, so it wasn't as crazy as the morning. I found some good deals. I now have my Christmas cards to send and Christmas lights for my tree. We also went to the movie Blindside. Mom had seen it about 2 days before, but she liked it so much she was willing to see it again. It was really good. I highly recommend it, and I LOVE Sandra Bullock's character. She is so good. It's based on a true story too, which is really cool.

Speaking of Christmas lights, I am looking forward to having my first Christmas tree. I am hoping to have friends over this weekend for a small holiday party including decorating the tree. I searched through my stuff at home and rounded up all my ornaments. When my brother and I were younger, Grandma and Grandpa Henry bought us Christmas tree ornaments, as they thought that we might want our own trees when we were older. (My parents don't do Christmas trees.) So, I found the ornaments they gave me, and that was pretty special. I will try to post pics of the tree when it is up.

Well, I should work on my collection development project. Looking for numismatic resources. It's actually pretty fun.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're doing well brenna...hopefully you can stop over when you're back for Christmas :)