Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday School

I am here in the library trying to work on an assignment for class, but I cannot do this if no one asks a reference question. Sigh. It's due tomorrow. Ugh. I am generally stressed and taxed emotionally and physically, as I haven't been sleeping as much as I should and starting to up the caffeine intake. Oh the joys of procrastination, work, and social life.

I am settling down, but I was NOT HAPPY with Sunday school today. Our regular leader was gone today, so he had one of the pastors/elders/big whig in the church come and "lead." Well, he did not have anything prepared and he liked to hear himself talk and it was very difficult to get a word in edgewise. There wasn't much discussion, and I knew where he stood when he said, about the Temple being destroyed "it would be like burning our Constitution and destroying our government, though that may not be a bad thing." ?! He then proceeded to talk most of the time about patriotism and nationalism in churches, displaying the flag in church, and being generally anti-war. Not that this was particularly bad, but it was not the time and/or place and it really rubbed me the wrong way, especially as I felt like I was the only one who really disagreed with him. We didn't discuss the chapter much or delve into the scriptures as I would have liked. Instead, it felt like he was just expounding on his own beliefs/ideas. And I was not impressed.

1 comment:

Emily J said...

Ooooh, wish I could have been there! Sounds like my kind of guy! You don't get enough anti-war, anti-flag-displaying-in-church types in the Christian church these days. That's awesome.