Sunday, January 31, 2010

Coffee and Panera Bagels

--Two minor reasons why Sunday school is great. :-)

The sun is out and the sky is cloudless! It's been a tough week, but I am feeling better on many levels. My weird cold is pretty much over (I hope). I have been taking it easy though, which has been nice.

I really enjoyed worship this morning. The songs were really good, and I just felt joyful. I also like the people in Sunday school, and I hope that it goes well. It just started, but I think it has good community/fellowship potential. I'm not happy about next week though. I have to miss Sunday school because of a meeting at work, and next Sunday I think they're finally going to do introductions and "get to know you" talk, which I really want to be there for. But, I can't. However, the church is going to have a Super Bowl party at the coffee house it sponsors, so I plan on going to that and hopefully see people from Sunday school or meet new people.

I know I have often lamented the lack of community I feel here, and I want to change it, but I'm not quite sure how. I don't feel like God has given me any clear alternative to the church where I'm at, so I'm going to stay. I just feel that it is more focused on doing rather than being. They emphasize tithing and being active in the church, but without really emphasizing the need for unity. The church is the body of Christ, and we comprise different parts of that body. However, for the body to be effective, the different parts need to be familiar with each other and know how to work together. I guess it's just a different emphasis and mindset. I've been in churches that focus on community to the detriment of outreach, which is not good either. I think it will help a lot now that I have a smaller group to be with.

Also, I'd like to get to know more people interested in rare books. Before class, however, everyone is dead. Silence. Nothing. It's frustrating, and I don't really know how to break the silence. I'm really considering just diving in, introducing myself, and asking for names. It's a small class and I don't know 1/2 my classmates names. We'll see. Maybe I'll chicken out.

It is beautiful today, and I do not feel like doing my homework. But, I should read my difficult and dense representation and organization homework. That stuff is a mental workout, but it's good to exercise the gray matter.


Invisible Man said...

Be brave! YOU can make a difference. :)

Believe in God and where he is leading you. The outcomes can be pretty darn impressive.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Rachel said...

Glad that you're feeling better and liking your class.

I'd encourage you to pluck up the courage to talk to the people around you. Librarians, at least overall, tend to be really nice people. Talking to your classmates now is good preparation for talking to people at conferences (who can help you get a job). I know it's hard and awkward, but I also know you're more than up for it :)