Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rejoice With Me

For I have turned in an assignment long before it was due. (Baby steps. Baby steps.)

I am looking forward to the weekend with great anticipation, as I have a 3 day weekend and plan to spend time with a dear friend. I have been fairly busy this past week with a lot of meetings and such. I signed up to be a "mentor" for new people in my program, so I met with both of my "mentees." They are really nice; the mentor assignment person did a really good job. I am also doing my first observation for my instruction assistant position tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. I'm a bit intimidated to be teaching again, but I think it will go well.

Short post, but I need to go.

1 comment:

Tessa said...

That's cool that you'll be teaching a bit again. I'm sure you'll do well!