Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby Steps

I just did a happy dance. I did not procrastinate. I had to revamp my resume, and instead of waiting until tonight when I am tired and out of sorts, I did in now, after work. This is a rarity for me, and I am very proud of myself. It very well might not last, as old habit die hard, really hard, but it's a step. Hopefully.

I am making potato soup, out of a box, which goes against the grain, but it is supposed to be quite good. I bought it from one of those home food parties, and the food really good. Later in the fall I'm going to get my mom's potato soup recipe and make it. She has the best potato soup. I also want to try my hand at fried sweet potatoes again.

I am a fan of breakfast for dinner.

The students are coming back. Honors' retreat and then RAs.

I am listening to "Turkish Groove" music. Good stuff. But I like "Gypsy Groove" the best.

I know several people who are starting teaching jobs this year and they didn't do the education program, but I did and I am not teaching. Funny how that works.

I get to go to Bible study tonight! We are going through Ecclesiastes. I'm bummed that I missed half of the book. It's really good when you can discuss it with other people. I love Bible discussions in Bible study and Sunday school. I learn a lot from others because they see things differently and God speaks to people differently.


1 comment:

Kara said...

I was sitting in church on Sunday and I thought, man, Brenna is at Free Methodist. I want to be there.