Thursday, August 28, 2008

Coming Again

My house feels like the 2nd Coming. I call it my house, it kind of feels like my house, I treat it like my house, but it is not my house. And anytime the owner could come back and find my dirty dishes and blanket and unvacuumed carpet. And not be happy. It's really not that bad, we just have different standards. So, now when I leave something undone, instead of being able to just leave it until later, I have the feeling of, I hope she doesn't come back today and see my dishes. I think that's what I do with God too. Leaving things just a little undone, just a little unprepared. Well, I need to keep my life and my house in order. Because they could come back any time.

Also, I feel like I'm in the middle of a mine field. Especially when I drive at night. Deer are everywhere. I've seen several in the middle of the day.


jessica said...

Bertrand Williams would be proud of how you keep your home & heart clean and tidy. With a little help from your landlady.

"God is a god of order," -Tessa's mom.

MissF said...

Yikes! Don't hit any deer!