Thursday, January 22, 2009

God's View vs My View

I read an article on Boundless adapted from an interview that Dr. James Dobson had with Ted Bundy. The article focused on the evils of pornography, but I got something different from it. The article made it sound like Ted Bundy became saved in prison, accepting Christ as his Savior. If that is true, then he is in heaven. Instead of feeling joy for his salvation, I found myself thinking, "I have to share heaven with Ted Bundy."

As Christians, we espouse and think we believe the idea that in God's eyes all sin is equal. A sin is a sin and we all sin and thus all deserve to go to Hell. This is true, but in the world's eyes, not all sin is equal. Some sin is worse than others, and you can do some things and still be a good person. Like gossip or tell white lies. But people who do the "bad" sins like rape and murder are bad people and deserve to be punished by the law and ultimately go to Hell. Ted Bundy raped and murdered 28 girls and women. His crimes are vile and disgusting. But to God, all sin is vile and disgusting, and He can forgive it all. I didn't think that I had a problem believing this until I read that article and started thinking about it. I have a worldly outlook when it comes to sin and justice. I consider myself to be a "good person" and somehow more worthy of eternal life than other people. This is wrong. I do not deserve heaven. I do not deserve eternal life. I am not good enough, and I never will be. In the world's eyes, I'm a "good person," but in God's eyes, I'm not. Serial killers are God's children just as Christians are, and I should not begrudge salvation to anyone.


Emily J said...

I don't necessarily think that all sin is *equal* in God's eyes (given Proverbs 6:16-19), but it's just that ALL sin separates us from God.

This post reminds me of something that I had to face a few years ago. Freshman year, a friend-at-the-time (a non-Christian) basically said she couldn't accept that God forgives and wipes away the sins of people like rapists and murderers and allows them into heaven. I didn't have an answer at the time, but eventually I came to realize that those are the people who need God's love and grace the MOST. Of course, everyone sins and therefore deserves death, but what kind of almighty, loving God would send His Son to die only for the mediocre sins of the not-that-bad people? Besides, it must be remembered that, while Christ forgives our sins and redeems us from their eternal consequences, he doesn't remove the earthly consequences. Not to mention that Christ's forgiveness still requires genuine repentance.

Sorry, my comment is as long as your post.

George and Krista said...

Nice talking to you yesterday. Sorry I had to go so suddenly...we should do it more often :) Just to reiterate, the invite is always open if you ever are lonely and want to mozy on down here :) (you can come even if you're not lonely too!
