Thursday, January 15, 2009

Know Thyself

There is something about independence that forces you to be self disciplined. You just have to do it because no one else is going to. Independence also facilitates procrastination, as there is no one but yourself inconvenienced by said procrastination. There comes a point, however, after being lazy and doing whatever you want, that you crave stimulation, and thus become a bit more self disciplined. I go in spurts with this, but right now, I realize that I need both physical and mental exercise, so running and reading are on the agenda.

One of my co-workers sent me a really good link to a job search website for librarians. I looked at some of the openings, and it makes me really want my degree and to start a new adventure. It's nice to have so many options right now. Though I don't want to move away from family and friends, I have the ability to go anywhere, to travel, to experience new things. I also realize that the adventure would wear off and I'd probably get lonely and start complaining. :-)

Library Olympics tomorrow! You betcha.

Most of the books I order through ILL for my job are huge. It makes me feel important. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw I can totally relate. I can't wait to get my Master's and have some more options before me :)