Monday, March 30, 2009

The World is a Stage

I did something that I haven't done since high school. I auditioned for a play. Several plays, actually. The community theater is doing an assortment of short one act plays; one of the directors posted an "ad" that said they were looking for more actors, and I decided to go for it. It was my first real audition, and I had a really good time. I hadn't realized how much I enjoyed being onstage and acting. I chose music over theater at college (for which I'm glad), but I'm happy that I have this opportunity again. The audition was really laid back, and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to meet new people and have a new experience. I hope I get a good part or parts, as people may act in more than one play because they are a bit short-handed. As of now, I'm glad I took the risk and decided to go for it.


Rachel said...

Good for you! :)

Anonymous said...

aww how fun! community theater is great. I hope you get a part too! :)

Kara said...

I want to do community theatre. Good for you!

Tessa said...

that's cool! Keep us posted on how it shakes out!