Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Am Weary, Let Me Rest

It's Thursday again. Which means I have to go to boring class. And I am tired. I hope I can get through it. I think coffee before class is a good idea. Coffee definitely tastes like the elixir of life sometimes.

I am a bit burned out right now. I had two midterms due this week, one on Tuesday and the other on Wednesday, and I have not had much sleep the past few nights. I also have a lot going on this weekend, and I have several things I need to apply for, like scholarships and a grad assistantship. I also need to decide about a conference soon, as the early bird registration ends tomorrow. I may or may not have an internship for this summer lined up. I contacted a staff member to see if she wanted an intern to help with the special collection she curates, but I haven't heard back from her. I hope I got the e-mail address right.

There is a small archives conference on campus this Saturday, which I am going to attend. It shoudl be a good way to network and meet people, as some people are coming from out of town to attend and present.

I need to get ready for class. TTFN

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